Thermal comfort

Thermal comfort is the state of being in which the individual feels neither too hot nor too cold. In the average living space, this occurs when the air temperature in the room is between 19 and 22°C in winter and 25 and 27°C in summer. These temperatures must furthermore be as homogenous as possible in their various settings in order to avoid thermal bridges and air flow.

  • comfort termico Terracruda
  • comfort termico Terracruda
  • comfort termico Terracruda
  • comfort termico Terracruda

Raw earth, when combined with insulation, offers the ideal solution for achieving thermal comfort: thanks to its density, specific temperature and low diffusivity, raw earth is the best natural thermal phase shifter and is 100% natural.

Creating a warm environment in the winter and a cool one in the summer, raw earth allows for the preservation of the internal microclimate year-round. In the summer it lessens the impact of the heat wave due to solar irradiation, and it maintains the internal climactic conditions by drastically reducing the use of air conditioning. In winter, thanks to its thermal accumulation capacities, it preserves heat for longer and gradually releases it throughout the night during the colder hours.

The Terracruda® flooring and wallpaper Systems contribute to the uniformity of temperature levels by covering and insulating the surroundings.